EFT wetenschappelijk bewezen

Soms wordt aan mij de vraag gesteld of EFT wetenschappelijk bewezen is in wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Ik heb daarom hieronder een aantal wetenschappelijke studies over de werking van EFT op een rijtje gezet.

Er worden regelmatig EFT wetenschappelijk onderzoek studies gepubliceerd. Mocht ik nieuwe onderzoeksresultaten tegenkomen, dan zal ik die op deze pagina verzamelen.

EFT wetenschappelijk bewezen

David Feinstein, Ph.D., een pionier op het gebied van Energie Therapie (= Energy Psychology) legt uit hoe het komt dat tappen (zoals bij EFT) in korte tijd geweldige resultaten geeft.

Hij gaat verteld, onder andere, over de resultaten van een  wetenschappelijk onderzoek van 10 jaar, uitgevoerd door de Harvard Medical School.

Emotional Freedom Technique As An Intervention Tool In Dealing With Stress Among Mothers of the Children with Intellectual Disability

Citation: Pandey, N. & Mitra, P. (June 2020).  Emotional Freedom Technique as an intervention tool in dealing with stress among mothers of the children with intellectual disability.  Tathapi (UGC Care Journal) ISSN:2320-0693 19(4)

Full paper

Stress describes unpleasant emotion or feeling that affects one’s level of functioning. It is psychological discomfort (like sadness, anxiety, distraction, and symptoms of mental illness) that interrupts individual’s activities of daily living.Stress is one of the most disturbing emotions being faced by the mothers of children having intellectual disability. Hence, the present work on Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as a therapeutic intervention in dealing with stress of mothers of children with Intellectual Disability (ID). EFT is self-help technique that helps deal with stress.It involves tapping near the energy meridian points around our body

in order to reduce tension, promote physical and emotional healing and thus maintain a healthy mind body connection. The objective of the present work is to establish the fact that EFT is one of the effective ways of dealing with stress among mothers of children with intellectual disability.Purposive sampling was used to include ten (out 20) mothers having children with Intellectual Disability. Subjective Unit of Distress (SUD) and Parental Stress Scale(PSS) questionnaire were used as screening tools. Clients’ feedback was taken after a gap of one month. The result of the study revealed that EFT is effective in reducing stress.

The overall result shows that EFT is an effective way of dealing with stress among mothers of Children with Intellectual Disability.

Key words: Stress, Emotional Freedom Technique, Subjective Unit of Distress, Intellectual Disability, tapping.

Results: The pre and post scores of mothers on Parental Stress Scale (PSS) shows a significant reduction in stress level after EFT session. The mean of PSS score before EFT session is 45.10 which reduced to 17.07 after one EFT session…Standard deviation was calculated as 9.22, the t score is 9.39 which is significant at 0.001 level.

Significant difference can be seen in stress level before and after the intervention. The mean of SUD score before the EFT intervention is 7.6 which reduced to 0.5 after one EFT session… The mean score in 7.10, standard deviation has been calculated on 1.59, calculated t score is 14.07, and degree of freedom is 9. Significant reduction can be seen in stress level at 0.001. 

Author’s Summary: After EFT session mothers reported that they felt relaxed, energetic and relieved from the stressful feelings.The overall result shows that EFT is an effective way of dealing with stress among mothers of Children with Intellectual Disability…Larger sample size would yield results that can be applicable for general population. Conducting a research study with younger children and teensto teach them tapping technique for dealing with their anxiety, fear, bullying, stress, pain and self-esteem in the classroom would be very beneficial.

Wil jij ook met EFT aan de slag gaan?

In meer en meer onderzoeken wordt de werking van EFT wetenschappelijk bewezen.

In mijn manual 'Pak je Klachten aan met EFT' leg ik op duidelijke wijze uit hoe jij EFT kunt gebruiken om vlug en eenvoudig je klachten aan te pakken.

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The effect of Emotional Freedom Techniques on nurses' stress, anxiety, and burnout levels during the COVID-19 pandemic: A randomized controlled trial

Background and objective: Infectious disease outbreaks pose psychological challenges to the general population, and especially to healthcare workers. Nurses who work with COVID-19 patients are particularly vulnerable to emotions such as fear and anxiety, due to fatigue, discomfort, and helplessness related to their high intensity work. This study aims to investigate the efficacy of a brief online form of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) in the prevention of stress, anxiety, and burnout in nurses involved in the treatment of COVID patients.

Methods: The study is a randomized controlled trial. It complies with the guidelines prescribed by the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) checklist. It was conducted in a COVID-19 department at a university hospital in Turkey. We recruited nurses who care for patients infected with COVID-19 and randomly allocated them into an intervention group (n = 35) and a no-treatment control group (n = 37). The intervention group received one guided online group EFT session.

Results: Reductions in stress (p < .001), anxiety (p < .001), and burnout (p < .001) reached high levels of statistical significance for the intervention group. The control group showed no statistically significant changes on these measures (p > .05).

Conclusions: A single online group EFT session reduced stress, anxiety, and burnout levels in nurses treating COVID-19.

Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


EFT wetenschappelijk bewezen

Study Shows Simple EFT Technique Reduces Dental Anxiety
Dentist appointments cause moderate to severe anxiety in one out of three patients, interfering with every aspect of oral health. But a recent study shows that EFT, a simple do-it-yourself acupressure technique, significantly reduced dental anxiety within 10 minutes in over 70 percent of those who tried it.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) July 13, 2006 -- An estimated one out of three patients, including adults and children, suffer from moderate to severe anxiety whenever they visit a dentist’s office. Their fear of fillings, extractions, crown and bridgework, and even routine tooth cleaning, often leads to neglect. Untreated dental problems can contribute to serious illnesses, including heart disease.

For years practitioners of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), a simple do-it-yourself acupressure tapping procedure, have reported stunning results for fears and phobias, including dental anxiety. Now a study conducted by Dr. Graham Temple, an English dentist, shows that patients using EFT experienced a significant reduction in anxiety regarding necessary dental work.

In the study, patients whose examinations showed that they required treatment such as fillings, extractions, or crown and bridgework were asked whether the thought of the proposed treatment caused them any anxiety. Patients who stated that they felt anxious were asked if they would like to try EFT, which was explained as a form of “psychological acupressure.”

All of the patients who agreed to try EFT were given appointments that included an extra 10 minutes in which to learn the procedure. When they arrived for treatment, patients were asked to rate their anxiety on a scale of zero (completely calm) to 10 (most anxious). Only patients who reported an anxiety rating of 6 or more were used for the study, which involved 30 patients.

After 6 minutes of acupressure tapping, patients were again asked to rate their anxiety. This was immediately followed by the dental treatment. All patients were informed that they could tap on points on their hands, if necessary, during the dental procedure. Following treatment, the patients were asked to comment on their experience.

All (100 percent) of the participants reported reduced anxiety, with over 72 percent experiencing a level of comfort and feeling of control that allowed them to cope well with the dental work as it was carried out.

The study showed that even very brief (6-minute) tapping sessions can significantly improve dental visits not only for patients, who might otherwise postpone or avoid necessary dental work, but for dentists and their staff as well.

“As an EFT practitioner and trainer,” says Dr. Temple, “I use EFT consistently, not only for my dental patients but for myself and other clients who attend my therapy center. I hope that this study will encourage other dentists and their staff to learn about EFT and its effectiveness in dentistry.”

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - EFT wetenschappelijk bewezen
Research conducted by Dr. Paul Swingle and his colleagues, studied the effects of EFT on auto accident victims suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - an extremely disabling conditioning that involves unreasonable fears and often panic attacks, disabling physiological symptoms of stress, nightmares, flashbacks etc.

These researchers found that three months after they had learned EFT (in two sessions) these auto accident victims showed significant positive changes in their brain waves and in self-reported symptoms of stress.

Swingle, P., Pulos, L., & Swingle, M. (May, 2000). Effects of a meridian-based therapy, EFT, on symptoms of PTSD in auto accident victims. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.

Epilepsy - EFT wetenschappelijk bewezen
Another study by Dr. Swingle used EFT as a treatment for children diagnosed with epilepsy. The children were administered EFT by their parents every time each day that the parents suspected a seizure might occur.

Swingle found significant reductions in seizure frequency among these very young children, as well as extensive clinical improvement in the children's EEG readings after exposure to two weeks of daily in-home EFT treatment, an impressive result. This study has not yet been written up but can be cited as follows:

Swingle, P. (May, 2000). Effects of the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) method on seizure frequency in children diagnosed with epilepsy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, Las Vegas, NV.

Phobias - EFT wetenschappelijk bewezen
An excellent study by psychologist Steve Wells and his associates in Australia and the United States studied the effects of EFT on phobias of small animals and insects. This study is published in a leading peer reviewed journal, the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

The results of the study are impressive. Those subjects who had learned EFT, as compared to those in a comparison group who had learned a deep breathing method, showed significantly greater reduction in their fear of small animals and insects - both in terms of their ability to approach the feared animal after the treatment, and their self reported indexes of fear.

What is more, these results held up just as well six to nine months later as they did at the time of the treatment, showing that the results of EFT are lasting - an important consideration.

The deep breathing group improved also in their symptoms, but significantly less so. All told, this careful study represents a strong confirmation of EFT as a treatment for phobias and common fears.

Wells, S., Polglase, K., Andrews, H.B., Carrington, P., & Baker, A.H. (2003). Evaluation of a Meridian Based Intervention, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), for Reducing Specific Phobias of Small Animals. Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 59(9), 943-966

EFT wetenschappelijk bewezen

New Study Targets EFT's Effectiveness for Food Cravings
Scientific proof can often come after we've experienced something to be true in our everyday life. In such instances, it validates what we already know and allows us to talk about it now with scientific backing.

This is what is happening with a new study conducted by Dr. Peta Stapleton and a team of researchers at the School of Medicine in Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. It has confirmed what we've been observing for years and what you know as a user of meridian tapping, about how this method can be used to sharply reduce food cravings.

These researchers studied ninety-six overweight or obese adults, one half of whom were taught EFT right away, while the other half had to wait for four weeks while just doing whatever they ordinarily did to control food cravings. At the end of this time, the "waitlist" group was given training in EFT too, but they had already been thoroughly studied by that time. The "wait list" group was the control (comparison) group.

What were these researchers looking for?
Before the research began, they gave the subjects a series of tests to determine the intensity of their food cravings and measure how strong an influence food exerted over them (that is, its "pull" value).

The researchers also investigated the degree of restraint these people showed when faced with tempting food, and the number of psychological symptoms of stress they were exhibiting in their lives generally.

Finally, everyone in the study was initially measured to determine their BMI (Body Mass Index), an indication of the way the body stores and distributes fat -- the lower the BMI, the healthier the fat metabolism of the individual.

After that, and this makes this study particularly interesting, these same subjects were studied again at the end of 12 months. What had happened?
When retested at the end of four weeks, those who had learned EFT showed significantly lowered food cravings compared to the waitist controls who had not learned the method.

At that time, the EFT'ers also had improved significantly in the degree to which they could exercise restraint when confronted by tempting foods, and the degree to which food could exert a pulling power over them.

What is particularly interesting, however, was that two of the measures, the intensity of food cravings and the pull of the food on them, remained significantly improved at the end of one year in those who had been practicing EFT, demonstrating the holding power of this technique.

Also, the Body Mass Index (BMI) the measure of the body's storage of fat, was significantly reduced in those practicing EFT at the end of one year, a highly desirable outcome.

The results of this study show that EFT can have an immediate effect on reducing food cravings and also result in maintenance of these reduced cravings over a much longer period of time.

In addition it shows that EFT impacts favorably on The Body Mass Index, changing it in the desired direction. The researchers suggest that EFT may contribute to the ability of weight loss/dieting programs to assist people to achieve reduced food cravings and therefore lose weight .

This study was conducted by Stapleton, Sheldon, Porter & Whitty, 2009-2010 (personal communication from the authors). It was funded by a grant from the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). The journal article reporting this study is now under review for publication by a professional journal.

Wil jij ook snel met EFT aan de slag gaan?

In meer en meer onderzoeken wordt de werking van EFT wetenschappelijk bewezen.

In mijn manual 'Pak je Klachten aan met EFT' leg ik op duidelijke wijze uit hoe jij EFT kunt gebruiken om vlug en eenvoudig je klachten aan te pakken.

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EFT wetenschappelijk bewezen

Er is veel EFT wetenschappelijk onderzoek gepubliceerd, waarvan je hierboven een klein beetje hebt kunnen lezen. 

Toen ik in aanraking kwam met de EFT tapping methode was het voor mij snel duidelijk. De Emotional Freedom Techniek methode gaf snelle resultaten en was relatief eenvoudig toe te passen.

De EFT kloptechniek heeft mij persoonlijk veel gebracht én ik heb er vele cliënten mee mogen helpen. Het EFT tikken werkt vlug, bij bijna iedereen. Iedereen kan de EFT kloppunten aantikken is mijn ervaring.

Je kunt EFT therapie zelf toepassen, dus als EFT zelfhulp. Met behulp van een EFT boek kan je al snel aan de slag voor bijvoorbeeld faalangst verminderen. Want EFT is zo eenvoudig dat de EFT therapie zelf toepassen kunt.

Je kunt ook EFT voor afvallen gebruiken of EFT pijn bestrijding.

Wat is EFT wordt mij nog wel eens gevraagd. Je kunt dat hier lezen.

Wil je meer weten over ervaringen van anderen, dan kan je hier EFT tapping ervaringen lezen, meer dan 50 stuks. Met EFT emoties loslaten gaat vlug en is relatief eenvoudig.

Dit is mogelijk doordat je de onderliggende oorzaak van je klachten, verstoringen in het energie systeem van je lichaam, verhelpt met de EFT kloptechniek.

Entire contents copyright ©  Morpheus Institute. All rights reserved.



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Auteur: Jan Heering

Jan Heering is inmiddels meer dan 20 jaar coach en auteur. Hij is  gespecialiseerd in het snel oplossen van angst, stress en negatieve gedachten. Hij heeft meer dan 30 boeken op zijn naam staan.

Jan Heering over EFT wetenschappelijk bewezen

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